Category Archives: Uncategorized

How To Get Rid Of Shy Bladder

As human beings, we have basic needs like hunger, thirst and the need to release urine, but what happens when you just can’t do it? More than 20 million Americans report having something called shy bladder, in medical terms this is known as paruresis.

Your muscles freeze and suddenly you physically can’t urinate, no matter how hard you try! We’ll tell you what’s shy bladder and how to get rid of shy bladder.

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Why Is It Hard To Pee In Front of Someone?

Having a shy bladder or paruresis is a really hard task to take a pee when pressured by other people and not having the possibility of being alone in order to pee. This could happen to people with anxiety and anxiety disorders. But there are ways that could help paruresis.

This occurs when you are anxious about using the bathroom when there are other people around, it can happen in public places or just a shared bathroom in a hotel for example. Or it could be a drug test at work or a sample you have to give your doctor. But there are some real reasons behind that and they influence the hard task of peeing in front of other people.