If you are not aware, the term “paruresis” is a synonym for a shy bladder. If you suffer from this then that means you are stressed when you have to use a bathroom that is open to the entire community. If you have paruresis, you are scared of using a bathroom that is open to the general public.
Symptoms Of Paruresis
Depending on how badly you may have to deal with this, the symptoms of paruresis could be different from person to person although they lead to the same conclusion. Some of the symptoms are:
- Unable to use a restroom if you are not alone
- Nervous that other people will hear what you are doing in the restroom
- Unable to use any other toilets other than the one in your living space
- Becoming nervous when you need to use a toilet
- Avoiding the bathroom by not drinking at social events
- Not going to events that will have the bathroom open to everybody
- You feel shame when you need to use the bathroom
Repercussions of Paruresis
Studies have shown that people who suffer from the stress associated with paruresis usually deal with this for about 20 years. About 33% of the people who participated in this study admitted that they don’t go out on a social basis whether it be dating, sporting events or parties because of the fear of having to use the restroom where they will be for the day. 50% of the people in this study said they could not accept certain jobs because of the stress that people have to deal with when they suffer from this.
How To Get Over Paruresis
Most people who suffer from paruresis get over it by subjecting themselves to situations they would normally find difficult because of paruresis. Studies have shown that every 8 out of 10 who tried subjecting themselves to uncomfortable situations were able to do more then they were before they began recovery.
Just to make things clear, the cure for this condition is using restrooms the patient would not be comfortable using on a normal basis. Professionals who understand difficult behaviors would keep an eye on their patients when those patients were attempting to use a bathroom that was out of their comfort zone.
If you have someone that will help you and you have already declared with a doctor that your problem is not related to something that would have to be cured physically, you can tackle your problem yourself. You will require the following things to cure paruresis:
Someone that will assist you in difficult situationsTwo hours a week at the very least to practiceA writing utensil and something to write on where you can make a scale of situations ranked by difficultyPlaces where you can practice that you would normally find difficult
It is important to note that if you have other issues where being in situations that require you to be social is difficult then going in places that you would normally find troubling might not supply the cure that you are hoping for. That’s when it would be beneficial to talk with a professional so you can plan the best way to overcome your fear.
How To Get Over Paruresis On Your Own
1. Ask Somebody You Trust For Their Assistance
The objective of the person that would be assisting you is to imitate the scenarios that you would have to deal with in bathrooms that are open to the public. If you can not find someone to assist you then you could still try to overcome your shy bladder by using different locations that have people.
2. Find Out If Urgency Helps You Or Hinders You
If you are in a situation where having to go quickly helps then you will want to drink a lot of your favorite beverage before you practice in a public bathroom. If you still can not go when you have to then it’s best to talk with a physician.
3. Create A System Where Different Public Bathrooms Are Ranked By Difficulty
First, you create a list of different public bathrooms that you find it difficult to use. Then you give each bathroom a ranking between 0 and 10 where 0 would represent a bathroom that you are comfortable using and 10 would represent a bathroom at a busy train station.
4. When You Start With The Easiest Bathroom, Have Someone There
Try using your bathroom at home while you have a friend in a different room in your house. If you can go, don’t stop until you have gone at least three seconds. If you have attempted to go for four minutes and it has not worked then try again a little bit later.
5. Take A 3 Minute Break With Your Friend
6. Try To Go Again
Don’t turn the taps on or try to go silently. The goal you are trying to achieve is not caring if other people in the bathroom know you are using the bathroom.
7. Continue taking turns between attempting to go and taking breaks you have practiced for at least one full hour.
8. If you were able to go then the next time you feel the need to urinate, move up to the next restroom on the list of bathrooms ranked by difficulty.
9. You Will Feel Better If You Successfully Complete Around 10 Attempts
The goal most people who suffer from this condition aim for is between 15 to 20. If this sounds too hard for you to complete on your own then there are support groups you could join. Support groups will have people dealing with the same fears you are dealing with and will be able to give you tips and suggestions as you try to overcome your fear.
If nothing mentioned above has worked then you might want to get treatment under the care of a professional. There are other ways you could try to tackle this issue like learning how to relax as well as different forms of therapy.